Killing Floor Double Feature is now available on PlayStation 4.

Killing Floor 2 is a horde/wave like shooting game. You can either play online or offline and will be pitted against an endless horde of horrific creatures. Through-out your play through you will earn dosh to spend on the massive amount of weapons and gadgets available to you to help you survive.

Killing Floor 2 doesn’t really have much of a story-line, the game-play is where it shines brightest. The game gives you a lot of control over customising the game to your styles. Whether you’re a close combat junky or a dead-eye shot sniper, the game has such a huge selection of weapons and classes to cater to what you want. I personally like being a medic and I find the support role in Killing Floor really good. I always knew when to heal my team-mates and the game didn’t make it so the medics can’t have fun. I was pulling off some nice slow-mo shots while healing my team. It really is incredible at how many options there are in the game from maps, character customisation and weapons & gadgets. I felt like the content would stay fresh for along time as there is a lot to experiment with.

As a co-op game I found Killing Floor 2 to be a perfect time with friends/family or even strangers online. There is so much to think about when going into a game and so much fun to be had. Each game feels different from the rest because of the variation in other peoples skills. I felt that solo it was a bit of a hollow experience and I didn’t enjoy it as much but it’s still good for people who may not have internet access or slow speeds. Though I really feel that it shines better online.

Killing Floor 2 looks fantastic. It runs smoothly, looks good especially on dark maps with light shining around you and sounds great. The game really gets crazy when listening to heavy metal and chopping down Zeds with a trusty sword. Not only that though, the map as you keep fighting off wave after wave gets more bloody the further you go. In the end it looks like a scene from Saw which really aids the feelings of the game, chaos, guts, more chaos and some extra guts for added hilarity.


Killing Floor 2 is great online, I keep mentioning online because I feel like the solo matches don’t do it justice. I never ran into anything game breaking, it ran really smoothly and was overall a joyful experience. If you’re looking for a good old cheap co-operative experience then you have one right here and if you get the double feature you get a VR game as-well.


If you want to know how Killing Floor Incursion on the PSVR did you can find out HERE.

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