We couldn’t do it without our friends and supporters!

Thread Of Gold

My dear old friend Clem was a wonderful soul, someone who was truly full of life and one of the kindest hearts you’d ever meet. Sadly he is no longer with us, however, his kindness throughout all of his life truly was special and through his father Ian and Thread of Gold, he continues the work in spreading his kindness.

Through each of us runs a thread of gold, that best part of us which loves to help, encourage and enthuse. Thread of Gold is all about advocating kindness, tolerance and inclusion. At a time when so much media content is focused on anger and division, Thread of Gold aims to seek out the positive, promote acts of kindness, celebrate people whose tolerance is an example to us all, and endorse places and organisations which encourage inclusivity.

Through using the hashtags #threadofgold #becauseofclem, we would like to bring attention to the good and positive in the world; to the people, places and organisations whose instincts are to be kind, tolerant and inclusive. Please support us, by tweeting HERE or using our Facebook page HERE, in order to promote acts of kindness, tolerance and inclusion, or indeed, anything else positive that you would like to celebrate …because of Clem.

Planet Nontendo and Cat Is Loaf

Planet Nontendo and Cat Is Loaf ran by the wonderful Amber and Si, their aim is to shine a light on everything gaming, especially indie titles. You’ll find them posting all sorts of articles and news and find them at events and hosting community days for Nintendo and overall just being some of the kindest folk you’d ever meet. If you want to know more about Planet Nontendo you can do so HERE. If you want to follow their brand-new website that covers more than just Nintendo-related news, you can do so HERE.