We will update this as questions come in!

Q – Why is it called Nerdy Bird Games?

A – You can thank our mascot and resident Brown Wood Owl Marley she lives with us at home and loves watching video games and falling asleep to them her favourite being Rayman Legends.

Q – Why did you reboot Nerdy Bird Games?

A – Jake has done a lot of work in the mental health charity sector over the years and wants to continue doing that work for gamers with Annmarie and help content creators, gamers and indies in any way they can.

Q – I have a game I’d like you to check out!

A – Email us at jakenbgames22@outlook.com we’d happily have a chat with you!

Q – How do I contribute to Nerdy Bird Games?

A – Nerdy Bird Games is not a website that is out to make money, so there will be no ads and no monetisation in any way, even our Twitch channel will remain none affiliated. We have no desire to turn this into a business but we just want this to be a hub to help people, it’s that simple, we just want to help shine a light on the positive and help inspire others and be a safe space for all.

The best way to contribute is if you have any articles or reviews, then feel free to send them to us at jakenbgames22@outlook.com or get in touch with us on our Discord HERE. All we ask is that people share our work so that we can really help as many people as we can through this new mission.

Q – Do you stream on Twitch?

A – Yes we do, feel free to follow us HERE! We’ll be going live playing all sorts of games and streaming with others.