On the name alone, I felt it was worth covering. Upcoming Mustache In Hell published by QUByte Interactive and developed by IdunaSoft will release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on February 8th 2024.

Mustache In Hell is a bullet hell action game that features the formidable character John Mustache. Players will take the role of the resilient police officer while navigating through intense battles against hordes of enemies while collecting loot, upgrading weapons and confronting formidable bosses.

John Mustache must embark on the unexpected journey after some bizarre and unsettling dreams that have seemingly teleported him into an unfamiliar realm promoting him to forge an unusual pact with the Grim Reaper. In order to regain control of his life, Mustache agrees to eliminate a myriad of adversaries, including demons, golems, gorgons, giant spiders, and sea monsters. 

Key Features:

  • Collect pistols, shotguns and flamethrowers.
  • Dive head-first into high adrenaline combat.
  • Find secret items and unlockables at every turn.
  • Battle insane bosses armed with nothing but your mustache and gun.

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